Composite plans

Pricelist of the services offered by GIS - Sofia Ltd. /valid from 01.01.2018/

Description of the servicePrice of a regular service incl. VAT /in BGN/Time scope
Code of the service

Drawing up composite plans from any two of the supported information layers:

- digital cadastral plan (archive cadastral plan for territories with an approved cadastral map and current cadastral plan for territories without approved cadastral map)
- old cadastral plan of Auxiliary plan
- old cadastral plan
- regulation plan
- old regulation plan
- construction plan
- underground distribution lines and utilities (UDLU)
- Map of Properties with Reinstated Ownership
- part of orthophoto plan or satellite image
- vectorized graphics for the aim of the composite plan.
A cadastral map can also be included in the composite plan, paying only the purchase price of AGCC.

Drawing up composite plan between one of the listed layers and a cadastral map.

Every additional layer after the fourth one could be given on tracing paper if it is needed.

60.00 BGN (for 1 property and two layers) + 12.00     BGN per each additional plot of land + 12.00 BGN per each additional layer + the fee for received source data from AGCC












48.00 BGN + the fee for received source data from AGCC


9.60 BGN for one tracing paper if is required
15 working days /WD/
/5 WD/

Issuing an identity certificate

(Issued on the basis of composite plans drawn up a maximum of 3 months prior to that moment.)

24.00 BGN 15 WD
/5 WD/

Drawing up composite plans for full or partial identity of a plot of land (with data from the Cadastral map and Cadastral registers and the current regulation plan). At a second issuing of composite plans, the data received by the CMCR is not to be paid for unless there have been changes in it since the last time it was obtained for the client. 

A Construction plan can also be requested with the combined sketch.


32.40 BGN + the fee for received source data from AGCC + 12.00 BGN per each additional plot of land


12.00 BGN - for additional construction plan

15 WD
/5 WD/
Drawing up composite plans according to Article 13, Par. 6 of the Rules for the Implementation of the Agricultural Land Ownership and Use Act (current cadastral plan or cadastral map, old cadastral plan, current regulation) 84.00 BGN + 12.00 BGN for each additional layer + the fee for received source data from AGCC 15 WD
/5 WD/
Drawing up plans according to Art. 51, Par.3 from the Gambling Act, incl. a Certificate 156.00 BGN + the fee for received source data from AGCC 10 WD
/5 WD/
Drawing up composite plans for state and court authorities (regardless of the number of layers) 72.00 BGN + the fee for received source data from AGCC 15 WD 87
Providing services according to specific client requirements Price is negotiable Negotiable 79


1. All prices are inclusive of VAT.

2. Express services are priced at double the cost of the respective service. Express services for composite plans may not be carried out if plans are found to be missing or unusable. The fee for the data obtained from the AGCC in the initial price is excluded before calculation of the double price cost.

3. To perform services on paper larger than A4, the price shall be increased with 2 % per each sq. dm.

4. The service is paid at the time of application, except for services which require prior research, namely the services in Section III "Composite plans”. For these services a fee for research is paid at first - 12.00 BGN and 24.00 BGN for those cases in which data is to be obtained from the Cadastral Map and Cadastral Registers, which is not refundable. The additional payment to the full amount of the price of the service is made when receiving the respective document.

5. If upon application the service for issuing composite plans is requested, and it is to be received both on paper and  digital model of the graphic part of the composite plan – for the digital model an additional fee of 50% of the price for the composite plans will be payable (without including in the calculation the fee paid on the AGCC for CMCR data). At later declaration of the digital model of the composite plan, p.12 is executed.

6. In order to carry out a calculation of lenght or cross sectional areas obtained from individual layers in composite plans, an additional amount of EUR 3.60 BGN per lenght or section will be payable.

7. Apart form the prices listed above, for a certified copy of issued documents a price of 1.20 BGN per sheet will be payable.
